
Flask course for beginners

Important Topics in Flask Routing Flask uses the concept of routing to determine which function to call based on the URL requested by the client. A simple example would be mapping the root URL '/' to a function that returns the home page of a website. The routing mechanism can also include dynamic parts in the URL to capture values and pass them as arguments to the handling function. from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def index(): return "Hello, World!" @app.route('/greet/<name>') def greet(name): return f"Hello, {name}!" if __name__ == '__main__': Templates Flask uses the Jinja2 templating engine to generate dynamic HTML content. This allows you to separate the presentation logic from the Python code that generates the data. A template can include variables, loops, and control structures, which get evaluated and replaced with actual values ...
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